Blender Beginner Part 08

Step 220

Most discussion of the last settings/changes needed to make this scene look like the beginning render will be talked about briefly. Details on more advanced techniques and topics can be found in the links at the end of this tutorial.

Select 1.bulb.lamp light. This lamp light acts as the light for the lamp as well as the shadows used in the picture. Layer button is on so only objects on layer 1(the layer that the light is on) will be effected by the light. Ray Shadow on so that objects receive shadows from this light. Render.

Step 221

Go to layer 4 and select the l.bulb02 light. Move it to layer 1.

Step 222

This light has a slightly larger energy of 1.2 and Layer is on. Ray Shadow is not on because this light is only used to make the bulb look brighter and make the overall scene brighter. It is not made to make sharper shadows(which would be the case if I turned on Ray Shadows). Render.

Step 223

Go to layer 2 and select the o.lampshade. Add a material called lampshade.mat. Move the Lampshade to layer 1.

Step 224


Step 225

In the Materials panel change the color to white and Alpha to 0.706. In the Shaders panel change the Specularity to 0.000, Hardness to 1, and Translucency to 0.81. Render

Step 226

Select the Mirror Transp panel and turn on Ray Transparency. Change SpecTra to 0.0. Render. The lampshade is looking better, however, all of the objects are still very dark due to the shadows.

Step 227

Go to layer 3. Select the l.sun.lamp. So far our lights have been lamp light. This sun light has an energy of 0.550, Layer is on, No Specular is on, and Ray Shadows are off. The No Specular option means that all the objects specular will not be effected by this light. Move this light to layer 1.

Step 228

Render. Notice how the objects can now be seen. I used the l.sun.lamp as a fill light to fill the dark areas with some light to make it seem more realistic.

Step 229

Go to layer 2 and select the light bulb. The light bulb material is created and already displayed(except for the Shaders panel).

Step 230

Hold shift + 1 to add layer 1 into view. Now the bulb is still in layer 2 but displayed with layer 1.

Step 231


Step 232

Go to layer 0. Select and move it to layer 1.

Step 233

Select layer 1 & 2. Render. Also notice that there is already a room.mat material. In this material I used ramp shaders. Ramp shaders can be used by going to the Ramp panel and turning on the Colorband button. By selecting the far left or far right area on the color ramp will display the color used on each end of the color ramp. From there you can select the color which will allow you to change the color that makes a color ramp. Play around with this to get a color ramp you like.

Step 234

There are a few things that can be tweaked to make the render a little better. The shadow for the glass is wrong. To fix this select the table and in the Shaders panel press the TraShado button. This allows the table to receive transparent shadows. Render.

Step 235

Now the shadows more correct from the glass. The table would look a little nicer if it had a small reflection. Turn on Ray Mirror for the table and make the Ray transparency set at 0.07. Also the rock was a little to shiny so I changed the specular and hardness settings. Render.

Step 236

To finish up making the final render look like the render at the beginning of the tutorial I will move the objects around a little. Render. Save as Render03.jpg. Save file as Render10.blend.

Even though the camera angle is slightly off the render is pretty similar. Congratulations! You have now completed the Blender Beginner Tutorial. With the information learned here you should have a good enough understanding to work on more complex aspects of Blender. Other good websites to look at to get a more in depth understanding of Blender are: